Friday 23 March 2012

El Fajoumi 2011 - فيلم الفاجومي كامل


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فيلم الرجل الغامض بسلامته نسخة كاملة

 بطولة هانى رمزى ونيللى كريم ، نسخه كاملة ، افلام , هاني رمزي ، نيلي كريم ، احلى الافلام ، عادل إمام

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فيلم فاصل ونعود كامل النسخه الاصليه بجوده عاليه


أحداث الفِلم تدور حول سائق تاكسي يجسّده كريم عبد العزيز لا يمتلك في الدنيا سوى صديقه وابنه الذي يحاول جده الحصول على حق حضانته بعد وفاة والدته -- زوجة كريم عبد العزيز -، إلاّ أن كريم يرفض ويحصل بالفعل على حكم محكمة بالحضانة، لكن الولد يتمّ اختطافه ويتمّ الاعتداء على كريم عبد العزيز ممّا يفقده الذاكرة، ومن هنا تبدأ الأحداث.

بطولة :

كريم عبدالعزيز - دينا فؤاد
محمد لطفى - احمد راتب - يوسف عيد


هشام ماجد - احمد فهمى

اخراج :

احمد نادر جلال

قام برفع الفيلم ابو رنه لمتآبعه مزيد من الافلام بجودات عاليه اشترك في القناه

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فيلم ابراهيم الابيض كامل



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El Basha Telmeez DVDRip فلم الباشا تلميذ كامل نسخة اصلية


 El Basha Telmeez DVDRip فلم الباشا تلميذ كامل نسخة اصلية

El Basha Telmeez dvdrip dvd الباشا تلميذ فيلم فلم كامل اصلي ديفي دي كريم عبد العزيز مصري عربي تحميل مشاهدة full asl avi arabic trailer افلام روتانا اونلاين مجانا نسخة اصلية جودة عالية hd hq عربية مصرية كوميديا كريم عبد العزيز غادة عادل رامز جلال محمد رجب Karim 3abd el aziz megavideo x264 mpeg4 part chunk free

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فيلم الارهابي - نسخة كاملة


 الإرهابي فيلم إنتاج سنة 1994 من بطولة الممثل المصري عادل امام ويعد من الأفلام السياسية ومن تأليف الكاتب لينين الرملي وإخراج نادر جلال.
قصة الفيلم
على عبد الظاهر (عادل إمام) دفعته ظروفه الاجتماعية من فقر وإحباط إلى الإنضمام لإحدى الجماعات الإسلامية المتطرفة وهو يدمر كل المظاهر التي يعتقد أنها مصدر الفساد في البلد مثل محلات بيع الفيديو وقتل السائحين الأجانب. وظهرت المجموعات الإرهابية التي ينتمي إليها الإرهابي علي كالحة الوجه, تلبس زياً موحداً, وتعيش في أماكن مهجورة تخيّم عليها الكآبة وروح الشر، وتسيّر هذه المجموعات من قبل أمير لها, له عليهم حق الطاعة العمياء. فيشعر المشاهد كأنه أمام عصابة من الحشاشين ومهربي المخدرات, وأنه أمام أُناس متطرفين في كل نواحي الحياة, في أشكالهم وأفكارهم وبيوتهم ونظام حياتهم.
وحرص الكاتب أن يُطلع المشاهد على نفسية المتدين الذي أخذ في هذا الفيلم شكل الإرهابي, فأظهره وعينه شاردة وراء النساء، والمرأة الجميلة التي يراها في الشارع نجده يراها في منامه وهو يعاشرها في فراشه. بمعنى أن المتدين يعيش حالة كبت جنسي توّلد عنده ـ بحسب نظريات علم النفس ـ العنف والعدوان على الآخرين.
وبعد تنفيذه لإحدى العمليات الإرهابية. وأثناء هروبه تصدمه فتاة (شيرين) بسيارتها وتستضيفه في بيتها للعلاج. يتعرف على أسرتها المكونة من الأب الدكتور عبد العزيز (صلاح ذو الفقار) والأم (مديحة يسرى) والابن (إبراهيم يسرى) والابنة الصغرى (حنان شوقى)
ويصور الفيلم أن أي إغراء جنسي يتعرض له المتدين يضعف أمامه ويستجيب له مباشرة دون رادع ديني أو أخلاقي وهو ما حدث له مع الفتاة المتحررة فاتن حنان شوقي حين كان يلاعبها لعبة الورق، وحاول الأعتداء عليها جنسيا، وتزداد صورة المتدين قتامة ، وذلك حين يسرق الإرهابي علي أموال الطبيب صلاح ذو الفقار بحجة أن الناس برأيه كفار لا عهد لهم ولا ذمة, فأموالهم حلال ونساؤهم جوار وسبايا لدى الإرهابين كما قال له أميره الأخ سيف أحمد راتب.
عادل إمام
مصطفى متولي
أحمد راتب
صلاح ذو الفقار
حنان شوقي
صلاح ذو الفقار
مديحه يسرى

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فيلم حسن ومرقص - نسخة كاملة


 عادل امام يجسد شخصية رجل الكنيسة "مرقص" الذي يتعرض لمحاولة اغتيال فتجعله الحكومة ينتحل شخصية شخص آخر اسمه "الشيخ حسن" ، أما الشريف يجسد شخصية شيخ إسلامي اسمه "حسن" ستحاول جماعة إرهابية تصفيته بعد رفضه الانصياع لمحاولة تجنيده من قبلهم ، فتقرر الحكومة أن تحميه بانتحاله شخصية رجل الكنيسة "مرقص" ، ويتبدل دور كلاهما في إطار كوميدي سياسي

عادل إمام
عمر الشريف
شيرين عادل
محمد عادل إمام
عزت أبوعوف
يوسف داود
راندا البحيري
هناء الشوربجي
هالة فاخر

رامي امام

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فلم زكي شان كامل بطولة احمد حلمي


 زكي شان فيلم مصري كوميدي عرض أول مرة عام 2005، كتبه المؤلف محمد فضل وأخرجه وائل إحسان. وقد تم تصويره بين القاهرة والغردقة من بطولة أحمد حلمي وشاركته البطولة الفنانة ياسمين عبد العزيز والفنان حسن حسني

تدور أحداثه حول شيرين فتاة غنية أفسدها الدلال (ياسمين عبد العزيز). تقع في غرام شاب (حازم) يرفضه أهلها. يُعين والدها رجل الأعمال خيرت (حسن كامي) حارس خاص يرافقها (أحمد حلمي) بعد أن كثرت زلاتها، وزكي (أحمد حلمي) هو شاب غير ملتزم بالعمل وقد رفض من وظيفته عدة مرات، وفي يوم يسمع والده سالم الأسيوطي (حسن حسني) الذي يعمل في مكتب خيري يتحدث مع أخيه عن وظيفة خالية لبودي جارد فيذهب زكي ويقبل بحيلة قام بها، و كانت وظيفته ابعادها عن حبيبها. تحاول شيرين التخلص من قبضة هذا الحارس الذي بات من مهمته مرافقتها وتضييق الخناق عليها في كل مكان، الأب كان يحاول التسبب في المشكلات لأنه كان يعلم أن زكي ابنه مستهتر ولن يؤد العوظيفة على أكمل وجه لكنه أثبت غير ذلك، كما أن شيرين وبمرور الوقت تقع في غرامه، وذلك من خلال مواقف كوميدية تؤثر في حياة أسرتها. وفي النهاية تحدث مشكلة عندما يدعى حازم أنه سيسافر للقاهرة للعمل واكتشف زكي أنه ما زال في شرم الشيخ وأن ذلك الكذبة ليتستر على نزواته، يتسبب ذلك في شجار بين شيرين وزكي، فيحزن زكي ويضطر لمغادرة العمل وفجأة تأتيه مكالمة استغاثة من شيرين فيسرع زكي ويجد حازم يحاول الاعتداء عليها، وفي النهاية يتصالح زكي معها ويعود للعمل، شخصية أخرى هو الطفل المنعزل أخو شرين وهو عمر الذي حوله زكي لشخص اجتماعي وصديق حميم. الفيلم يلقي الضوء على بعض المشاكل التي تواجه الشباب وأهمها البطالة

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فيلم صعيدي في الجامعة الأمريكية - نسخة كاملة

 فلم صعيدي في الجامعة الأمريكية يحكي قصة خلف ابن عمدة إحدى قرى الصعيد الذي حصل على منحه للدراسه في الجامعه الأمريكيه لتفوقه في الثانويه العامه (الأول على سوهاج والثانى على الجمهوريه) يعيش خلف في القاهره مع زميليه على الذى يهوى الغناء وحسين الذى يعمل لتغطية مصاريفه. يحب خلف زميلته عبله التى لا تحبه، بينما تحبه زميله أخرى هى سياده

محمد هنيدي
منى زكي
أحمد السقا
غادة عادل
هاني رمزي
أميرة فتحي
طارق لطفي
فتحي عبدالوهاب
سهام جلال
هشام المليجي
سعيد حامد

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Zaki Shan DVDRip فلم ذكى شان كامل نسخة اصلية


 فلم ذكى شان كامل نسخة اصلية

 Zaki Shan ذكى شان فيلم فلم كامل اصلي ديفي دي أحمد حلمى مصري عربي تحميل مشاهدة افلام روتانا اونلاين مجانا نسخة اصلية جودة عالية عربية مصرية كوميديا ياسمين عبد العزيزحسن حسنى احمد حلمى

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Thursday 22 March 2012

Bloodsport 1988 (Jean Claude Van Damme ( Full Movie )


 Bloodsport is a 1988 American martial arts sports drama film directed by Newt Arnold, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Roy Chiao, Donald Gibb and Leah Ayres. The film is based on the claimed adventures of Frank Dux. The film performed well at the box office, grossing $11,806,119 domestically on a budget of $1,100,000, a 1,073% return on cost. Bloodsport became one of Jean Claude Van Damme's first starring films and showcased his athletic abilities. On display are numerous physical feats such as his trademark helicopter-style, jump spinning heel kicks, and Van Damme's ability to perform a complete split.

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BloodSport 2 1996 ( Full Movie )


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Fire In The Sky - Full Movie


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Dragon Tiger Gate (2006)


Dragon Tiger Gate is a 2006 Hong Kong martial arts action film directed by Wilson Yip and featuring fight choreography by Donnie Yen, who also stars in the film. The film is based on the manhua Oriental Heroes, which bears the same Chinese title as the film. The film's release in all English-speaking territories is handled by The Weinstein Company.
A punching bag constructed for the film, measuring about 8 feet (2.4 m) high, 5 feet (1.5 m) wide and weighing about 400 pounds was certified as the world's largest by Guinness World Records.

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Kung_Fu]_Tai Chi Masters (Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, 1993)


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The King Of Fighters: La Película ( Full )



La película desde sus inicios fue fuertemente criticada debido a sus exageradas libertades respecto al guion original,tanto por los fans como por la critica especializada,pues el guion no tiene ambsolutamente nada que ver con la historia en el videjuego,y las apariencias de los personajes ni lejanamente se parecen a las de la franquicia.

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  • jejeje me he divertido...que ignorancia si se ponen a hablar de idiomas y todo eso. Disfruten la vida. Cada pais es diferente y no puedes cambiar la percepcion de cada persona. He dicho!

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Jackie Chan Powerman.


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Zikina Dinastija 2 - Doslo Doba Da Se Ljubav Proba - Ceo Film

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Zikina Dinastija 3 - Ljubi Ljubi Al Glavu Ne Gubi - Ceo Film


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Selo Gori, I Tako - Film


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Bloodline (Full English Movie)

 Bloodline (Full English Movie)

 BLOODLINE investigates the popular belief that Jesus married Mary Magdalene, who fled to southern France with their child. In an adventure worthy of Indiana Jones, filmmaker Bruce Burgess and team crack the shadowy secret society, known as the Priory of Sion. Their investigation follows clues linking the Knights Templar and the legend of Mary Magdalene with messages imbedded in the decor of the famed church at Rennes-le-Chateau in France, leading ultimately to stunning discoveries: a buried chest with artifacts dating to 1st century Jerusalem and a hidden tomb filled with treasure and a mummified corpse draped in a shroud bearing a distinctive red cross.

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The Life And Times Of Jesus Christ

The Life And Times Of Jesus Christ 

 A spiritual odyssey to a bygone era, this program chronicles the majestic times of Jesus Christ and traces his footsteps with dramatic recreations and vivid depictions of the period. Bringing to life the atmosphere of this period, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JESUS CHRIST conveys the true ambiance of the Holy Land at the time -- the clothes, the foods, the sounds and visions -- and takes the viewer on an audiovisual experience that is a true testament to Christian heritage.

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HOME (Full English Movie)

HOME (Full English Movie)

 We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

The stakes are high for us and our children. Everyone should take part in the effort, and HOME has been conceived to take a message of mobilization out to every human being.

For this purpose, HOME needs to be free. A patron, the PPR Group, made this possible. EuropaCorp, the distributor, also pledged not to make any profit because Home is a non-profit film.

HOME has been made for you : share it! And act for the planet.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

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Wednesday 21 March 2012

Jackie Chan-Rumble In The Bronx {full Movie}


Rumble in the Bronx (紅番區; Hong faan kui in Cantonese) is a 1995 Hong Kong martial arts action comedy film starring Jackie Chan and Anita Mui. Released in the US in 1995, Rumble in the Bronx had a successful theater run, and brought Chan into the American mainstream. The film is set in the Bronx area of New York City but was filmed in and around Vancouver.
Box Office. In Hong Kong, Rumble in the Bronx broke the box office record earning HK $56,911,136 making it the biggest film in Hong Kong at that time and one of Jackie Chan‘s biggest ever. It was also Chan’s North American breakthrough. Opening on 1,736 North American screens, it was number one at the box office in its opening weekend, grossing US $9,858,380 ($5,678 per screen). It finished its North American run with US $32,392,047.

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Home Alone 4

Home Alone 4 (also known as Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House) is a 2002 American made-for-television Christmas family comedy film directed by Rod Daniel, which first aired on ABC on November 3, 2002.
It is the fourth installment in the Home Alone series. The film brings back several of the main characters from the first two films including Kevin McCallister, but with all the roles played by different actors. It is also the only film in the series to be filmed outside the United States (although set in Chicago, it was actually shot in South Africa). The plot revolves around Kevin (Mike Weinberg) trying to defend his future stepmother's house from Marv (French Stewart) and his wife Vera (Missi Pyle).

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Tenacious D The Pick Of Destiny (Full Movie)


 In Venice Beach, naive Midwesterner JB bonds with local slacker KG and they form the rock band Tenacious D. Setting out to become the world's greatest band is no easy feat, so they set out to steal what could be the answer to their prayers -- a magical guitar pick housed in a rock-and-roll museum some 300 miles away.

Year: 2006
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Music
IMDB Rating: 6.8
Starring: Jack Black, Kyle Gass, JR Reed, Ronnie James Dio, Paul F. Tompkins, Troy Gentile, Ned Bellamy, Fred Armisen, Kirk Ward, Amy Poehler
Director: Liam Lynch
Screenwriter: Jack Black

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The Horde Zombie Movie


The plot revolves around a group of Paris policemen, who embark on a mission of vengeance after one of their colleagues dies by the hands of a notorious drug dealer holed up inside a building. They storm the social housing complex with the intent of taking him down, in the heart of a derelict and corrupt Paris neighborhood. The operation is a failure, and the team is captured. But suddenly, both sides find themselves confronted by a quite different opponent... As a zombie apocalypse breaks out, cops and criminals will have to forge an uneasy alliance to survive the undead.

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The Battle For Marjah

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Shutter (2004) - Thai Horror Film


Directed by Banjong Pisanthanakun
Parkpoom Wongpoom
Produced by Yodphet Sudsawad
Written by Banjong Pisanthanakun
Sopon Sukdapisit
Parkpoom Wongpoom
Starring Ananda Everingham
Natthaweeranuch Thongmee
Achita Sikamana
Music by Chartchai Pongprapapan
Cinematography Niramon Ross
Editing by Manop Boonvipat
Lee Chatametikool
Distributed by GMM Grammy
Release date(s) September 9, 2004
Running time 97 min.
Country Thailand
Language Thai

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Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Mechanic (2011) - Full Movie



Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) is a 'mechanic' - an elite assassin with a strict code and unique talent for cleanly eliminating targets. It's a job that requires professional perfection and total detachment, and Bishop is the best in the business. But when his mentor and close friend Harry (Donald Sutherland) is murdered, Bishop is anything but detached. His next assignment is self-imposed - he wants those responsible dead. His mission grows complicated when Harry's son Steve (Ben Foster) approaches him with the same vengeful goal and a determination to learn Bishop's trade. Bishop has always acted alone but he can't turn his back on Harry's son. A methodical hit man takes an impulsive student deep into his world and a deadly partnership is born. But while in pursuit of their ultimate mark, deceptions threaten to surface and those hired to fix problems become problems themselves.

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Bodyguards And Assassins 2009 Full Movie With Eng Sub


In 1905, the revolutionary Sun Wen intends to visit Hong Kong to discuss his plans for revolution with fellow Tongmenghui members. Ultimate goal is to overthrow the corrupt Qing dynasty. However, a group of assassins is sent to kill Sun.

Action | Drama | History

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Wheels On Meals - Jackie Chan - Full Movie


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Jet Li Fearless [Full Length Movie - English]

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Ninja 2009 Swedish Sub


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Vayasu Pilichindi - Full Length Telugu Movie

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Joseph- Romanian Subtitle (Full movie)


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Everybody Dies But Me

Everybody Dies But Me (Vse umrut, a ya ostanus) is a 2008 Russian drama film directed by Valeriya Guy Germanika and starring Agniya Kuznetsova, Polina Filonenko and Olga Shuvalova.
Three high school girlfriends, Katya, Vika and Zhanna, learn that there will be a school disco on the coming Saturday night. They start preparations, and it soon becomes the most important moment in their life.

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Sunday 18 March 2012

Bichoo (Full Hindi Movie)

Bichoo (Full Hindi Movie)


Jeeva is a small-time criminsal leading the life of a nonentity. His perchant for solitude is an outcome of his troubled past. The fresh breath of life is the bubbly girl next door, Kiran. While Kiran overtly tries to befriend Jeeva, the latter does not pay much heed to her advances. Till a gang of baddies kill Kiran's family. Kiran wants the criminsals punished, but she loses the legal battle and the criminsals are set free. Jeeva feels sorry for Kiran and before you know, he's fallen in love with her. From here on it is operation revenge for the two. Jeeva trains Kiran in handling weapons and warfare. In the final showdown, Jeeva will sacrifice his life to save Kiran's life.



Directed by:

Produced by:

Written by:

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Reign Of Assassins 2010


Reign of Assassins (2010)

Released : 28 September 2010
Genres : Action

Director : Chao-Bin Su, John Woo
Cast : Michelle Yeoh, Woo-sung Jung, Barbie Hsu, Shawn Yue, Kelly Lin, Xueqi Wang, Pace Wu, Xiaodong Guo, Leon Dai, Yiyan Jiang, Hee Ching Paw, Zonghan Li

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Jet Li - Iron Monkey

Jet Li - Iron Monkey 

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A Moment To Remember - Một thời để nhớ

 A Moment To Remember - Một thời để nhớ

Soo Jin là một nhà thiết kế thời trang nhưng mắc căn bệnh mất trí nhớ ngắn hạn. Mỗi lần đến cửa hàng mua đồ thì thể nào cũng để quên ví tiền và đồ đã mua. Một ngày, Soo Jin mua một chai nước ngọt rồi cứ thế mà đi về, đến khi sực nhớ quay lại cửa hàng thì chai nước ngọt đã bị một chàng trai cầm mất, Soo Jin đã cầm lon nước và uống hết một mạch. Khi lên xe bus, cô mới phát hiện ra rằng mình còn quên ví tiền, lúc quay trở lại Soo Jin mới biết rằng hoá ra chai nước của chàng trai kia không phải là của cô. Khi công ty của Soo Jin phải sửa sang lại thì cô lại gặp chính chàng trai ấy có tên là Chul Soo, một người mơ ước sau này có thể làm kiến trúc sư. Dần dần cả hai đi tìm hiểu và yêu nhau...
Một đám cưới diễn ra như đúng mong đợi nhưng cuộc sống không chỉ toàn màu hồng như thế ...

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Does It Hurt? - The First Balkan Dogma

 Does It Hurt? - The First Balkan Dogma

 In this debut by Aneta Lesnikovska, who originally came from Macedonia but now lives in Holland, reality is based on fiction and vice versa. The director translates her own life and that of her friends to a fictional situation. She lies to her friends that she has found foreign producers who are willing to finance the film. They have to wait for the Danish producers, who never come. In the meantime, she keeps researching and asks all her friends to tell their life stories. The whole process is filmed and what was once intended as preparation turns into the film itself. The distinction between fiction and reality is impossible to define in the end.
Does It Hurt? is the first Balkan film shot according to the rules of Dogma, made to mark the 10th anniversary of the Dogma manifesto. And maybe even more than a formal Dogma drama, Does It Hurt? is a personal, refreshing and amusing document about the film maker and her friends.

Directed by Aneta Lesnikovska (Macedonia / The Netherlands / Kosovo , 2007) , screened at the Rotterdam International Film Festival 2008 .

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Samson And Delilah part 1And 2 - Romanian Subtitle (Full movie)


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Full Thai Movie: LOVE A HOLIC ( โคตรรักเอ็งเลย ) - [ English Subtitle ]


Loveaholic ( Thai: โคตรรักเอ็งเลย or Khoht-rak-eng-loei ) is a 2006 Thai romantic comedy film directed by Ping Lumpraploeng and starring Thai comedian Udom Taephanit.

Rong, a comedy screenwriter, finds out his wife, Daeng, has had an affair with a physician. Rong's and Daeng's relationship had grown routine and boring, which was why Daeng had the affair. Rong quarrels with Daeng, who angrily drives away in her car. Later, Rong is told that his wife is dead. Grieving, he blames himself for her death. However, Rong notices that many things in the house are being moved around, and he starts to think that perhaps Daeng is not dead.

Udom Taephanit as Rong
Wisa Saansaat as Daeng
Akara Amarttayakul as Rapsa
Achita Sikamana as Suay
Ping Lumpraploeng
Directed by: Ping Lumpraploeng
Starring: Udom Taephanit - Wisa Saansaat
Cinematography: Decha Srimantra
Distributed by: Sahamongkol Film International
Release date: Thailand, July 27, 2006
Country: Thailand
Language: Thai

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Jumper 2008.FULL MOVIE.


A genetic anomaly allows a young man to teleport himself anywhere. He discovers this gift has existed for centuries and finds himself in a war that has been raging for thousands of years between "Jumpers" and those who have sworn to kill them.

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Undisputed 2.BOYKA Full Movie

Undisputed II:Last Man Standing (2006) * * *

Cast:Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins, Ben Cross, Eli Danker, Ken Lerner, Mark Ivanir
Directed by Isaac Florentine

Jai White (In for Ving Rhames) returns as boxing champion Iceman framed for a bum rap involving cocaine, who  must learn the ropes in a European prison where he must learn a new style of martial arts to stand a chance against current champ Uri Boyka (Adkins) in a satisfying kung fu prison yard that works because of the excellent action and fast pace. The plot is sort of contrived and the whole premise has been done to death (basically Death Warrant meets Lionheart) but in terms of prison action this might be the best direct to DVD release ever to use such sturdy premise. There are of course some flaws, mainly involving junkie Cross who figures in a way to set up two fight sequences between White and Adkins. Another thing that doesn’t work is the whole Cool Hand Luke unity among the prisoners when White refuses to fight, a plot thread that goes nowhere as it is dropped in favor of the martial arts action (which isn’t necessarily bad thing) Undisputed II then is a movie that impresses solely for the action element, I mean the acting, production values and story are all what you would expect but due to the fast pace and the excellent fight sequences which are so spectactular that it makes up for any of the story’s shortcomings, Undisputed II then works very well for fans of kung fu flicks, who will no doubt eat this up.

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Transporter 3 Auf Deutsch [Komplett]


Transporter 3

Endlich ist es wieder soweit! Jason Statham prügelt als Frank Martin mal wieder verdammt stilvoll diverses Lumpenpack aus den Latschen und der Actionfan freut sich. Auch dank einer unvermutet kinetischen Bildsprache. Achja, Audiwerbung inklusive Zwinkern
Originaltitel: Transporter 3Herstellungsland: FrankreichErscheinungsjahr: 2008Regie: Olivier MegatonDarsteller: Jason Statham, Natalya Rudakova, François Berléand, Robert Knepper, Jeroen Krabbé, Alex Kobold, David Atrakchi, Yann Sundberg, Eriq Ebouaney, David Kammenos u.a.

Frank Martin, seines Zeichens Transportfahrer ganz besonderer „Güter“, sprengte im Rahmen dieser Tätigkeit in seinem ersten Abenteuer einen Menschenhändlerring und beendete in Transporter – The Mission eine Entführung, um gleich darauf ein Attentat mittels menschlich chemischer „Bombe“ zu verhindern. In Teil III bedurfte es nun einer ganz besonderen Mission und hey, auch Actionfilme haben das Ohr am Puls der Zeit und so rettet Frank dieses Mal die Umwelt! Und das geht so ...

Frank, gerade von einem Angelausflug heimgekehrt, will sich einen kleinen Appetitanreger in flüssiger Form einverleiben, als plötzlich ein schwarzer Audi fernab der Straße in Franks Wohnung einparkt! Frank, wenig geschockt - so kennt man ihn halt -, untersucht umgehend das Wrack und muss feststellen, dass er den Fahrer kennt! Er hatte ihn unlängst einem zwielichtigen Halunken als Fahrer empfohlen, da er selbst den Auftrag nicht annehmen wollte. Nun sieht Frank, dass sein sechster Sinn ihm vermutlich das Leben gerettet hat. Er lässt seinen Bekannten von einem Krankenwagen abholen, der keine 20 Meter entfernt in einem riesigen Feuerball aufgeht. Gleichzeitig gehen bei Frank die Lichter aus. Als er erwacht, befindet er sich in einem klinisch reinen Raum und sieht sich einem finsteren Gesellen gegenüber, der von ihm verlangt, den so abrupt beendeten Auftrag seines Bekannten zu vollenden! Das explosive Armband an seinem Arm macht Frank ein klares Widerwort unmöglich, und so lenkt er irgendwann ein, nicht ahnend, dass die scheinbar eher zufällig ins Geschehen gestolperte Valentina das eigentliche „Paket“ darstellt und zum Zünglein an der Waage in einem umweltpolitischen Skandal werden könnte

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